

I love poker and think about it for most of my waking hours. I think a lot about how I have played in the past and how I have let emotions and drinking effect my life and bankroll. Since moving to Seattle I have played mostly 3/6 Hold Em' and have mixed in 10/20 Hold Em', 6/12 Omaha 8, 4/8 Omaha 8 and 3-5-500 Spread Limit Hold Em'. In that time I have slipped up horribly and started drinking, played some horrible poker and then stopped drinking and started playing good poker. The 3/6 game out here is easy and looks to be a good way to get my bankroll going is I can stay sober. I have cased out for almost 1000.00 twice in the last 3 weeks. I payed off some debts and now and am soley focused on moving up the poker ladder if success. I have learned the only way to win at limit is that playing tight and aggressive is the winning stlye. Playing loose only eats yme up. Solid hands and good decisions get the money. I have learned playing too many hands is what makes me an action junkie and I will never win if I keep playing in that sense. I can see why I was welcomed to games with a smile knowing I would play good for the first hour and then once I had a few beers in me and a bad beat or two I was bound to fly open for just shipping money. I was the monkey tilt master and it was a beatiful thing for any game when my pockets had money in them. Well, I think I am on the way to curing the misey that I was living and now understand how alcohol and tilt can eat my bankroll and put me in financial peril. I am on the road to smart play. I keep mental notes on all the players and what hands they turn over and how they react to situations. I am becoming the player I have thought of being and I will succeed. And I will not fall victim to the weaknesses that have killed my game in the past. I will use my knowledge and put forth my best effort to win at every game I play.